Exploring the Benefits of Acupuncture for Anxiety

Are you dealing from continuous anxiety and looking for alternative methods to heal? Here’s an underrated treatment: acupuncture. Traditional treatments, including medicine and psychotherapy, often fail to alleviate symptoms in approximately one-third of individuals suffering from anxiety and depression. Hence, many people look to Eastern medicine and other remedies to help their mental and emotional well-being in such situations. 

However, for some, it may not seem like self-care to have several needles stuck into your skin while you’re anxious. But for thousands of years, acupuncture has been a part of traditional Chinese medicine as a means of pain relief and the treatment of multiple illnesses. Read below as we reveal the benefits of acupuncture for anxiety. 

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture stimulates the body’s sensory nerves by inserting needles into specific points. It may relieve various medical issues, including persistent pain. Originally derived from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), acupuncture has since become a popular supplementary therapy choice worldwide because of its proven results. It is a popular choice for professionals to treat aches and pains throughout the body, such as arthritis, back pain, and migraines. Evidence suggests that acupuncture can alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression, and immune system disorders, among others.

What to Expect During the Session?

During your initial consultation, your acupuncturist will likely inquire about any problems you hope to alleviate. If you have any questions regarding the procedure, your acupuncturist will address them.

When your session begins, long, thin needles will be used to apply pressure to certain areas of your body. Depending on the pressure and the spots where needles are inserted, this could take 10–30 minutes. After inserting the needles, the experts will wait around 20 minutes before extracting them. You probably won’t feel your symptoms being relieved right away, as repetition is crucial to the success of acupuncture. While some patients report feeling better right away, the vast majority report feeling better after a few visits.

Acupuncture for Anxiety: Benefits and Insights

Here’s how acupuncture is beneficial for anxiety;

  1. It releases endorphins:

The endorphin hormone boosts your mood and acts as a natural painkiller within the body. Endorphins are released when needles are introduced into sensory nerves just below the skin’s surface. This causes the body to activate a response in the immune system, which in turn boosts blood circulation to that specific part of the body and causes endorphins to be released.

  1. It reduces inflammation:

As the acupuncture needles work throughout the body like little wounds, these stimulate the immune system to produce an anti-inflammatory response to fight off minor invasions. There is growing research suggesting that chronic inflammation prevents anxiety and treats depression.

  1. It relaxes the body:

Although the thought of needles penetrating the body may sound like something very painful, this process offers little to no discomfort. The majority of patients believe that their visits to the acupuncturist are pretty relaxing, and some even find themselves falling asleep during their sessions being performed. 

  1. It gives your mood a boost:

You will experience a general improvement in your mood due to acupuncture because its primary objective is to make the body feel better rather than treat particular problems. Acupuncture is considered to be a valuable treatment for a variety of conditions, including migraines, allergies, depression, and infertility.

  1. It has no adverse effects:

There are almost no adverse effects associated with acupuncture. It has the potential to assist in the natural healing of depression and stress when it is utilized as a component of a holistic approach to treating anxiety. 

Let the Professional Relieve Any Signs of Anxiety and Stress- Choose Araya Health for Unmatched Acupunctures in Scarborough

Acupuncture, a Chinese practice, is widely accepted to alleviate stress. Scientific studies have demonstrated that this method can relieve some of the most common symptoms related to anxiety. When appropriately performed with sterile needles, acupuncture poses few hazards and nearly zero side effects. The only problem may arise if you choose an unprofessional acupuncturist who uses needles that spread infections. To find out if acupuncture can help with your anxiety,  it is best to get in touch with the nearest professional acupuncturist in your area. 

However, if you are looking for the safest place in Scarborough to get the best acupuncture from experts in the field, your best bet is Araya Health. We tailor each of our treatment plans to meet your unique requirements through a customized approach and a holistic technique. Our clinic provides a tranquil space where you can relax and easily alleviate your anxiety and stress through professional treatment plans. We not only aim to help you regain your vitality but also strive to bring a balance between your mental and physical health. Araya Health is not just a clinic; it is a place where you give your body the calm it deserves through the best massages, acupuncture, chiropractic sessions, naturopathic medicine, and more. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. How long does it take to see results from acupuncture?

The underlying reasons for your anxiety problems will determine how quickly you will experience relief from acupuncture sessions. It needs to be considered that acupuncture can provide rapid relief for short-term anxiety, such as that which patients may feel just before a medical procedure. On the contrary, it can take more than one session to see improvement in other forms of anxiety. If you are dealing with anxiety, it is better to inquire with local, qualified acupuncturists about the usually recommended number of sessions for treating anxiety.

  1. Are there any risks associated with acupuncture?

In terms of safety, acupuncture is a highly regarded practice. No evidence has been found to indicate that it can worsen your symptoms of anxiety. However, you can lessen the likelihood of complications by taking time to research and choose the right acupuncturist. Problems with acupuncture often stem from practitioners not following appropriate protocol, not having the proper licensing, or using non-sterile needles that cause infections.

  1. What happens when acupuncture is performed for anxiety?

Some patients feel calm after an acupuncture session, while others feel revitalized. However, acupuncture does not work for everyone. Choose another treatment option if you don’t feel better after a few weeks of regular sessions.

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